Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

3-3-1 Short Answers

3-3-1 Short Answers

Q 1. How do you think the new and old versions represent different aspects of their societies/times? What are the similarities and differences?

Q 2. How does each version reflect the culture and time period in which they exist?3. After considering the examples presented, think about the artifact that you chose for Project 1. Pose one question regarding the relationship between human culture and expression in relation to your artifact. In one sentence, explain one approach you may take to find the response to the question posed.

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Similarities have been found between the new and the old versions although they have been made in different societies and times. The film West Side Story that was made in 1961 has got a common theme of forbidden love like the 1996 adaptation of Romeo and Juliet. In both the movies families acted as a great barrier between the lovers getting close to each other. The main difference lies in the topics like race relations and obstacles managed by interracial couples as portrayed in the West Side Story.